Saturday, March 3, 2012

This is how bad the snow drifts can get. This  is highway 13 south  just  3 miles south of Scobey.  you can't  see the road at all. you're only hope is the wait 3-4 hours for the plow truck to come by and tag along. 

Don't worry, this is not a main road. very good for snow mobile

Good for huntting

Just like any other place, Living in Scobey has its pros and cons.
Briefly, here are a few pros & cons of Scobey, as I go along I will tell you more.
Pros; Small town, safe neighborhood, everybody in town knows each other by name,  Small class room for your kids, fast doctors appointment, very good hunting, great for deer hunting, perhaps the best place in the country for that. 
Cons: Expensive, isolated, Round trip to nearest Walmart in the country is about 130 miles away.. round trip =260 miles= minimum of 4hours drive if the weather permits, It is very cold, The snow never melts unlike regular winter in the rest of the country, the snow causes major snow drifts, which blocks the high way and further isolate the town  even if it hasn't snow in weeks,there is only two gas station, you will always pay the highest gas price in the surrounding states or country wide. You will spend at least $300 every time you get out of town due to gas price and distance from any mojor town. The most decent city near scobey is Bismark, ND. it is 5 hours and 30 mins away from scobey. When you go there most likely you will need to spend the night at a hotel. Risking coming back could be a major safety issue due to weather and animal crossing. It will cost you at least $200 in gas round trip then $100 for hotel. you will need to shop for a couple of months worth or else you will find your self tired and broke from traveling just for food shopping. there are two small groceries store in scobey, but they both are very expensive. Reason 1 is it cost money to get things all the way up here, reason two is there is no competition, just like gas prices. there are a few restaurants. the outlaw restaurant has the most decent price and to my personall opinion the most descent food. the slipper restaurant has the most descent place to sit and eat, but the food is not that good and the waitress is rude and never comes back for service, if you order an extra meal or snack to take with you home for your kids after you done eating, she will forget to put in the order which will lead you not have anything to bring home for the kids. Very bad waitress. 

I will leave it at that for now.
btw, the winter here is not your average winter. when it is above 10 degrees here, its considered a warm day.  your average day will be between -10 and 2 degree Fahrenheit.  with the windschill it will feel more like -30 degrees.  if you dress well, and don't spend much time outside, the cold shouldn't bother you much, the problem is the snow drift. you can be driving home for going out of town with clear sky, and all of sudden you are stuck in a major snow drift. it doesn't matter whether you are driving an F-150, Ram 250 or a Hyundai Accent, you will get stuck. The best time go in  and out of town is mid morning- mid afternoon. Once 5 O clock hits, the sun sets and the wind picks up the snow from the ground starts blowing all over the place during the winter.

It hasn't snowed much this winter. today we are getting about 6-12 inches. But that hasn't happend on regular bases for this winter.

Friday, March 2, 2012

 If you want to know the statistics of Scobey, you can look it.  The purpose of this blog is to share with you my personnel experience while living in  Scobey.